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Fecal Treat Chronic Pain Digestive

Written By Emdua on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 02.45

Maybe you've heard of alternative medicine use urine or blood therapies. But, what about the therapeutic treatment using the stool?

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology revealed fecal injection method or 'transpoosions' to cure a chronic digestive disorder caused by bacterial infection Clostridium difficile.

"The treatment was very efficient, with 90 percent cure rate for the first time use. The result is safe, without side effects, and can solve problems in a matter of hours," said Dr. Lawrence Brandt of Montefiore Medical Center, in New York, as published Aol Health.

Brandt said the injection of feces can be done via enema, a procedure inclusion of substances into the colon via the anus. Can also through gastric tube, a tube inserted into the stomach through the nose.

During this time, patients infected with Clostridium difficile bacteria rely on injections of antibiotics as treatment. Clostridium difficile is a type of bacteria that are difficult off than other types such as C. botulinum and C. perfringens. Clostridium bacterial infections are usually marked diarrhea.

Clostridium difficile is a tough character to die to make cocktail of antibiotics to be expensive. In the United States, killing Clostridium difficile antibiotic to reach U.S. $ 60 or about Rp870 thousand per item. Once the treatment could reach U.S. $ 2,000 almost Rp19 million.

Though expensive, injectable antibiotics may not be impervious to kill bacteria. In fact, it rarely causes chronic diarrhea. "The rate of antibiotic failure of 10-20 percent with 60 percent chance of relapse," he said.

That's why Brandt was so excited to develop an alternative treatment using injection feces. In addition to cheaper, feces injection method has no effect antibiotic injections that could threaten the body's metabolic disorder.

Brandt said the injection can be obtained through a donor feces feces that have been through laboratory testing. "There are several bank lenders in Australia, but in the United States, we used fresh faeces of the donor," he said. "We separate the donors who had AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis, parasites and other pathogens."

Despite claims of treatment success was 90 percent, many doctors are reluctant to switch to 'antibiotic' is natural. "It's hard to imagine using a manure treatment. I'm concerned, the use of excreta as antibiotics could potentially create new problems in patients, such as cross-infection," said Dr. Saad Habba, an expert from New Jersey gastric disease.
02.45 | 0 komentar | Read More

Death Ends First kiss

The first kiss is usually the most thrilling moments as well as joy. However, not for Jemma Benjamin. The first kiss this girl actually ended 18 years of death.

Jemma has breathed her last breath several minutes after kissing her boyfriend, Daniel Ross, 21. It was the first kiss as well be the last kiss the girl from Treforest, Pontypridd, South Wales.

Daniel told me, that night he drove Jemma home from a bar after dinner together. "We talked and eventually kissing in the hallway near the front door. We went into the kitchen and living room. There, Jemma sitting on the couch," he said as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Shortly after the kiss, Jemma eyelids suddenly collapsed, foaming at the mouth, and his body fell to the floor. "We did not have sexual intercourse. We were only dating a few times a week," said Daniel who knew Jemma was in college since the last three months.

Daniel spontaneous mother phoned to ask if Jemma Jemma suffered from epilepsy. See Jemma loss of consciousness, Daniel was immediately contacted the medical officer. The ambulance came, and the medical team trying to save lives Jemma, but can not be saved.

Jemma died with a diagnosis of a rare heart condition, sudden adult death syndrome (SADS). In fact, not infrequently attacked while sleeping Papuan region. This syndrome kills at least 500 British adults each year.

One of the 20 cases of a rare heart that causes sudden death has no apparent cause. This condition is called sudden arrhythmic death syndrome. This occurs due to disturbances of heart rhythm, the more influence on the electrical function of the organ, rather than impaired cardiac structure itself.

That is why it can only be detected when a person's life, not after death. Error electricity on the heart caused by defects in DNA, which can be inherited.

The mother, Charlotte Garwood, said Jemma was a very fit lifetime. In addition to hockey athletes, Jenna is also a long-distance swimmer. "That picture of health. And, in just one minute he was taken from me. I really miss him," his mother said.
02.44 | 0 komentar | Read More

Spend 10 Hours A day in the Toilet

Lauren Walsh, 21-year-old woman suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Mental attack with OCD traits are always thinking and doing repetitive activities are also carried out repeatedly.

The disorder is making Lauren feel like a person that is not normal. For example, he always spent a lot of time to wash their hands for hours. If the count is calculated, he could spend 10 hours a day in the bathroom, as quoted from DailyMirror.

Lauren also always feel scared because she thinks every inch her body seized with bacteria, so he must bathe again in a long time to clean it.

"It got to the point when I need a bath five times a day, each lasting two hours," says Lauren. "I think, there are so many things, I have to do. Every minute of my body parts must be controlled. "

Suffering is experienced since Lauren was diagnosed with OCD disorder at age 12. Lauren suffered OCD as lead voice in his head, which he calls 'the devil on the shoulder'. This condition seemed convinced he was always in a dirty state. Lauren knew it was not rational, but he was powerless to control himself.

Lauren describes how OCD control of his life for years. At that time, his mother, Linda wondered, with Lauren habits. Lauren continuously wash your hands. Not only at home, even at school.

Suffering Lauren makes him difficult to socialize with classmates. "I have always felt is not normal."

Many school friends who later dubbed Lauren as a freak and stress. At age 10, Lauren had to cry uncontrollably because she felt that something was wrong with him. But, then there is no why he feels guilty.

It was not until 12 years old, suffering Lauren recognizable cause. He was diagnosed with OCD. Upon entering adolescence, OCD becomes increasingly disabling mental Lauren.

His bedroom was filled with notes because Lauren felt compelled to continue writing. "I have a record to remember back when I was 12 years old. People assumed OCD about washing hands is a little longer than usual and then you resume activities like everyone else. But it did not."

Lauren continued, "Get out of bed takes about 20 minutes every morning because I had to turn around until I was in the right corner. If it does not feel right, I repeat until it is right."

After that, he will make sure the bed is always in perfect condition without any matted fabric. He should wash pillowcases and sheets every day at least three times a week.

"In the bathroom I use different soaps and lotions for different parts of the body, starting at the top and work your way down. It took two hours each time the shower," says Lauren.

To use the toilet, he should wipe it first and then sit in the right way. Then, he will always rip first sheet of toilet paper for fear someone else has touched. Then he would tear the tissue as much as 12 sheets to be folded a certain way further before being used. To simply get up from the toilet was, he still had to play until completely comfortable.

"I had to walk perfectly straight, and every step should feel right at the foot. If not, I have to start all over again. So, I'll be there for hours."

Lauren conditions, similar to those experienced by Sam Hancox, who eventually died of similar cases. Sam suffered dehydration and skin infections due to illness of OCD for 30 years. This disease makes Sam was always a shower to 20 hours every day because he was afraid of germs.

"The case made me angry, because it could happen to me," says Lauren, who is very afraid of his life would end tragically like Sam
02.42 | 0 komentar | Read More

some easy steps to get to know cancer

"Prevention is better than cure." This adage applies to your breast health. Try to identify and understand the precious asset of this body as early as possible so that, if there are any signs of cancer, you can quickly treat it.

To ensure breast health, you need a few simple steps. This can be done anywhere, for example in the bathroom, lying in bed or standing in front of the mirror. Similarly recipes from the pages of Methods of Healing.

At first, check the right breast with his left hand with fingers flatten horizontally to sense whether there is a bump there. Movement sequences Continue until all your breast has been checked.

Then, you gently squeeze the nipple to be sure whether the issue of bleeding or fluid out there.

Then, check all the folds of the arms, the outer limits of the breast, and to the whole breast. Is there a lump or pain in there.

If you find any abnormalities, such as lumps or pain, immediately consult a physician, quoted from the pages of Research and Development Department of Health. You are advised to regularly check your breasts yourself every month. It can also make you more familiar with the look and feel of your own breasts.

Clinical examination

To the women in the age group 20 years to 30 years to check their breasts regularly to the doctor every three years. While women aged 40 upwards are encouraged to check themselves each year.


Institute for American Cancer Society recommends that all women over the age of 40 to have a screening mammogram every year. Mammograms offer substantial benefits to early detection of breast cancer.
02.27 | 0 komentar | Read More
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